How to build a safe fireplace and chimney
It’s that time of the year when you might be thinking of starting your first indoor fire or wood burning stove. Whether used for heating or for ambiance, fireplaces and wood burning stoves are great amenities. However they need to be properly installed.
Data on fires
There are more than 10,000 residential fires each year. These fires are related to fireplaces, chimneys and wood burning stoves. These fires cause a lot of property damage, and even injury and death. Reference the Consumer Product Safety Commission and the National Fire Protection Agency for data.
Building a fireplace
Employ a master mason to build your fireplace and chimney. A fireplace needs to be built to a standard higher than the building code requires. There should be a space between the outside surface of the flue liner and the outside surface of the chimney itself is completely solid. There should be no air gaps, no void spaces and no pathways for hot flue gases to escape from the chimney. Lots of mortar, masonry rubble, solid concrete block, solid brick, solid rock is used to create this barrier.
Size and shape
The firebox will smoke so shape and size are important. The chimney needs to have the right cap so it will last for many years.
Hire an experienced stone mason. Schedule a routine inspection of your chimney to ensure you don’t have any fires.
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