Every time people take a moment to look at what’s draining their money people look at the various “wants” they have, but if they just took a moment to look at how much money is being unnecessarily spent on their “needs” they would be surprised.

The cost of living is a lot more variable than it first appears. There are ways to change how much you’re paying to stay where you are. Our previous posts have been about general maintenance now we’re dealing with winter.
Besides the onerous freeze damage things you can do is to keep heat cheap:
- Furnace filters- Change them every month you have the heat on
- Pipe Insulation- pre-slit foam sleeves on all supply lines
The best bang for your buck is to retain Energize Connecticut, they’ll tell you what your house really needs, and they’ll give you free light bulbs.
The most pragmatic solution, however, is to take advantage of your gaming offspring. You know, that one that’s behind that door you don’t knock on?