Author: Ben

  • Buyers: Don’t Be Surprised by Closing Costs!

    Many homebuyers think that saving for their down payment is enough to buy the house of their dreams, but what about the closing costs that are required to obtain a mortgage? By law, a homebuyer will receive a loan estimate from their lender 3 days after submitting their loan application and they should receive a closing disclosure 3 days…

  • How to Honor a Veteran Today and Everyday

    It was one hundred years ago. On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, it was the end of the “war to end all wars.” That day, to be observed annually on the eleventh day of the eleventh month, became known as Armistice Day. Later on, it became known as Veterans…

  • 2 Myths Holding Back Home-Buyers

    Home-buyers, Your dream home may already be within your reach. Buying your first home or moving up to your dream home, know your options. It will make the mortgage process easier. Urban Institute recently released a report:  “Barriers to Accessing Homeownership: Down Payment, Credit, and Affordability.” “[Home-buyers] often think they need to put more money…

  • 5 Tips for Starting Your Home Search

    In today’s real estate market, with low inventory dominating the conversation in many areas of the country, it can often be frustrating to first-time homebuyers if you aren’t prepared. In a recent article entitled, “How to Find Your Dream Home—Without Losing Your Mind,” the author highlights some steps that first-time homebuyers can take to help carry their excitement of…

  • Pre-Approval: Your 1st Step in Buying a Home

    Buyers Searching for Dream Homes Outnumber the Number of Homes for Sale In many markets across the country, the number of buyers searching for dream homes outnumbers the number of home sales. This has led to a competitive marketplace where buyers often need to stand out. There is onne way to show you are serious about buying your…

  • I Got a Wellness Message From Your Toilet

    Welcome to the age of the “wellness home”. A new luxury “wellness home” apartment building went up on the lower eastside of manhattan in 2014. It provides nearly 50 different details aimed at living well and mindfully. Imagine leaving your shower healthier than you were before! I know, you’re thinking you already know about vitamin-C…

  • What If I Wait Until Next Year to Buy a Home?

      Good News: Increases in home prices and historically low interest rates means you can be a home buyer now! I recently shared that national home prices have increased by 6.7% year-over-year. Over that same time period, interest rates have remained historically low. This has allowed many buyers to enter the market. This is good news! As…

  • How Much Has Your Home Increased in Value?

          Home value have risen dramatically over the last twelve months. CoreLogic’s most recent Home Price Index Report,  shows that national home value has increased by 6.7% year-over-year. CoreLogic broke down appreciation even further into four price ranges. This gives us a more detailed view than if we simply look at the year-over-year increases in national median…

  • Existing Home Sales Grow Despite Low Inventory

    Home Sales Grow for Second Consecutive month despite low inventory. According to the National Association of Realtors, “Existing-home sales grew for the second consecutive month in March. But lagging inventory levels and affordability kept sales activity below year ago levels.”   Some highlights: According to the latest Existing Home Sales Report from the National Association of Realtors. Sales grew 1.1%…