Author: Ben

  • CT Waterways-Recreation

    Spanning 110 miles from east to west and 70 miles from north to south, Connecticut is far from America’s biggest state. What it lacks in size, it makes up for in its beauty. CT is home to over 3,000 lakes, ponds, and reservoirs making it an ideal vacation destination, especially during the warm summer months.…

  • This Isn’t a Bubble. It’s Simply Lack of Supply.

    This Isn’t a Bubble. It’s Simply Lack of Supply.

    Some Highlights In a recent article, Lawrence Yun, Chief Economist for the National Association of Realtors (NAR), discussed the state of today’s housing market. When addressing whether or not today’s high buyer competition and rising home prices are evidence of a housing bubble, Yun said that this “is not a bubble. It is simply lack of supply.” Today’s housing market…

  • Real Estate back to normal

    Don’t be fooled by Remarkable Real Estate Headlines! While the year-over-year jumps will certainly be striking, consumers should take these numbers with a grain of salt. Essentially, the increases will reflect a combination of two things: sharply lower housing numbers during last year’s virus-related market collapse and the subsequent strong rebound. This will result in…

  • Gear for Hiking

    The Northeast is home to great hiking spots for all skill levels. But if you’ve never hiked before, hitting the trails might feel a bit intimidating. Here are some tips on how to prepare, dress and pack for your first hike. Before Your Hike: Check the weather forecast, eat a healthy meal, let someone know…

  • Into the Wild

    The Constitution state has a varying topography to interest any hiker. Whether you want to stroll along the coastline or tackle a challenging hike up one of the states high points, Connecticut has it all! Finding access to hiking in Connecticut is pretty easy. Connecticut offers 139 state parks and forests as well as hiking…

  • Moving in…

    More suggestions for projects to do before you move into your new home. Refinish Wood Floors…..Redoing floors can be a major expense if you have a contractor do the work; however, professional floor refinishing can have an incredible effect on your home’s appearance. Of course, you can do yourself but if there’s a lot of…

  • Before you move in…

    Before moving into a new house, people often take care of major structural, electrical or plumbing projects. But there are a number of smaller projects that are easier to accomplish while you are still living somewherre else. A few suggestions follow …… Repair and Paint the Garage Floor…..before you load up the garage with your…

  • Imagine beyond the Imagination



    I encourage you to be aware of the above because these are just myths. Contact me Ben Keeney 203.313.0013 to discuss further and to determine what your opportunities are in the real estate market.

  • Buying a Home?



    Looking forward to buying a new home? Before making such a big purchase, know that while your typical 20% down payment may be one of the largest expenses, there are additional fees and hidden costs to prepare for. 1.Closing costs: Closing costs could range from 2% to 5% of your home’s price. 2.Origination fee: Fee…