Tag: house

  • 2020 Homebuying Checklist | MyKCM



    2020 Homebuying Checklist Some Highlights: If you’re thinking of buying a home, plan ahead and stay on the right track, starting with pre-approval. Being proactive about the homebuying process will help set you up for success in each step. Make sure to work with a trusted real estate professional along the way, to help guide you through the homebuying steps…

  • Money: Getting the Most of it for Your House

    It is not unusual for a seller to want to get as much money as they can for their home by pricing their home high. Often, against the advice of their Realtor.  There are many reasons the seller may do this. Beware Overpricing Your Home. Understandably, sellers want to maximize the value of their home. Perhaps, they…

  • They have our money, are our jobs next?

    They have our money, are our jobs next?

    Remember the good old days when a Travel Agent booked your vacations? Price Line, Expedia and Trivago are the new normal. Today, The Motley Fool article, goo.gl/nfjEbK, talks about how mortgage brokers are beginning to be replaced by automated web-sites. Another article, goo.gl/YG7RMJ, showcases the Real Estate Industry where automation is on the move to…

  • 2.29 Homes For The Cost Of 1 Banana (per lb.)!

    A 2500 square foot house(90,000pounds) in Connecticut costs on average $325,000 which is about 27 cents/lb. Bananas today, on average cost 62 cents per pound. It’s a no brainer, buy over 2 homes for the cost of  1 banana per lb. Build equity and invest in your future! Bananas What you pay now: $0.62 (average price for a pound…

  • Cooler Weather Makes Real Estate A Hot Investment 1.0

    Cooler weather cools down real estate. Did you know that this is the best time to buy a house? Sellers are more motivated to sell because their property is likely the home that for whatever reason didn’t sell during the peak season.  To heat or winterize a home are unfavorable expenses for a seller. Also, the seller is…

  • Buying vs. Renting October 2015

    Buying a home is still better than renting. Start building your equity today! Once upon a time renting made a lot of sense.  Times have changed.  Drastic rent increases should make tenants rethink buying. There are hurdles and solutions. Remember, investing in yourself with housing can only be done one way.  Buy  a home! Hurdle…