Category: Tips and Tricks

  • 2.29 Homes For The Cost Of 1 Banana (per lb.)!

    A 2500 square foot house(90,000pounds) in Connecticut costs on average $325,000 which is about 27 cents/lb. Bananas today, on average cost 62 cents per pound. It’s a no brainer, buy over 2 homes for the cost of  1 banana per lb. Build equity and invest in your future! Bananas What you pay now: $0.62 (average price for a pound…

  • Paying For Your House By The Mile

    Paying For Your House By The Mile

    Lower gas prices has shown to improve consumer confidence by leaving more money to spend. Potential buyers are willing to pay more for housing and commuting and real estate professionals are willing to spend more time behind the wheel to close the deal. A recent study from Florida Atlantic University and Longwood University actually provide data to support this. The collaborative…

  • When Buying a House, Beware the Buried Oil Tank

          An underground heating-oil tank is a sleeping giant usually left undisturbed until the house hits the market. Nobody wants to pay for the costly remediation of soil contamination. Although it’s not a law, buyers attorneys and mortgage lenders typically insist upon determining whether there is a buried tank. If a buried tank is…

  • Buying vs. Renting October 2015

    Buying a home is still better than renting. Start building your equity today! Once upon a time renting made a lot of sense.  Times have changed.  Drastic rent increases should make tenants rethink buying. There are hurdles and solutions. Remember, investing in yourself with housing can only be done one way.  Buy  a home! Hurdle…

  • Friday 13 Superstition or superinsulation, You Choose.

      Insulation as mold preventative?   Black mold, the scariest deterrent to home value can be prevented.  Mold needs three factors to get a grip on your living environment: 50% + humidity, 40°+ F  temperature and biodegradable material. Cellulose is great stuff if you can swear it’s going to stay dry. Unbacked fibreglass also great.…


    While you would think winter isn’t exactly the season to worry about your A/C working properly, it’s actually one of the better times to get it looked at. Good HVAC guys are in short supply so when the first heat waves of summer roll around, they get booked FAST. The best way to ensure you…

  • How To Get the Most Out of Your Tradesmen

    Whether it’s a carpenter, painter, stonemason, electrician, plumber, or even a chimney sweep; every homeowner is going to need to deal with tradesmen at some point of their home-owning life. Everyone’s experience with every individual tradesman is going to be vastly different. Interactions with people are as unique as our fingerprints. Hiring a tradesman isn’t…

  • Are People Just Blowing Smoke Over Chimney Fires?

    Short story: No. It’s not a bunch of hot air. Long story: With winter just around the corner, there’s nothing people would like to do more than just curl up around a nice roaring fire at their fireplace. The only problem is the unseen terror; a true threat to truth, justice, and the American way…