Category: Case Study

  • Prices & Rates

    Housing prices and interest rates aren’t going back down! Mortgage rates surged to the highest level in two years, leaving homebuyers on high alert as further increases loom. Things aren’t going back down. Now is the time to buy! 30 year fixed mortgage The rate on the 30 year fixed mortgage – the most common…



    Keeping your home heating system maintained As temperatures drop and the weather outside gets a little more frightful, your home should be warm. But ensuring the comfort of a well-heated home on those cold winter days, begins with keeping your heating equipment properly maintained. Here are some tips to keep you warm…. Staying on top…

  • Affordable

    Important Distinction Homes are less affordable, Not Unaffordable! It’s impossible to research the subject of buying a home without coming across a headline declaring that the fall in home affordability is a crisis. However, when we add context to the most recent affordability statistics, we soon realize the, though homes are less affordable than they…

  • How to Recycle Properly

    Are you recycling the right way? Knowing how to recycle common household items takes you one step closer to a cleaner planet. Whether you volunteer to pick up your litter or regularly tackle the clutter in your own part of the world, you may be interested in knowing what items should be thrown out and…