Spanning 110 miles from east to west and 70 miles from north to south, Connecticut is far from America’s biggest state. What it lacks in size, it makes up for in its beauty. CT is home to over 3,000 lakes, ponds, and reservoirs making it an ideal vacation destination, especially during the warm summer months.
Whether you’re looking for a place to water ski, paddleboard, canoe, fish, swim bathe or hike, you’ll find a perfect spot. Here’s a list of the best lakes in Connecticut.
Candlewood Lake, Danbury. Mashapaug Lake, Union. Mansfield Hollow Lake, Mansfield. Crystal Lake, Ellington. Lake Waramaug State Park, Kent. Squantz Pond, New Fairfield. Lake Zoar, Monroe. Bantam Lake, Morris. Lake Lillinonah, Brookfield. Stillwater Pond, Torrington. Highland Lake, Winsted. Hop Brook Lake, Naugatuck.
Some of the cleanest and clearest water can be found at Lake Lillinonah. The lake has an impressive 14 miles of shoreline and is the second largest lake in CT.

The Connecticut River and its tributaries are much cleaner today than they were decades ago. The Clean Water Act, smart investments, and the hard work of many people have made this possible.
The Department of Energy & Environmental Protection continues to monitor and test the waterways in CT. For more information access
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