Author: Ben

  • SALT Talks, Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Snow (Part 2)

    If you’ve ever had a pair of leather shoes you’ve probably noticed how badly the de-icing salt used in the winter will stain them. Your once shiny black leather shoes have devolved into a disappointing dull gray with white squiggly stains worming all around them. There’s not much you can really do to avoid getting the…

  • Cabin Fever: Plan A Low Maintenance Grass Season

    A home’s lawn makes the first impression.  It might indicate if  the owner cares enough about the property’s management.   Spinning around and round on every other weekend on a lawnmower make not be the lifestyle goal of most home owners.   Watering the crop regularly can be exasperating too, or expensive if a sprinkler system…

  • SALT Talks, Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Snow (Part 1)

    Keeping your walks clear of snow and ice in the winter has some side effects. Concrete, plants, and even your shoes are all compromised by the chemicals you might use to de-ice. Ammonium sulfate/ nitrate deicers will play havoc with your concrete grout or flooring. These de-icers will react chemically with the concrete and obliterate it. Don’t…

  • Enter Sandman, Or For The Sake Of Your Floors, Don’t.

    You finally made it through the day and your car got you up the driveway and home safe. As you walk in the house you may be accidentally gradually ruining an expensive feature of your home. Hardwood flooring is sensitive to abrasives, like the tiny amounts of sand on your shoes. Always ensure all footwear…

  • Kilowatts, kilo-where?

    Do you ever feel as though your money is just getting blown away? Think about all the things that require electricity to run that you have at your house. Now think about how many of those you never fully turn off. Your heater and air conditioner likely run (at least partially) on electricity. Televisions (with…

  • Free Heat? I Doubt It.

    Every time people take a moment to look at what’s draining their money people look at the various “wants” they have, but if they just took a moment to look at how much money is being unnecessarily spent on their “needs” they would be surprised. The cost of living is a lot more variable than it…

  • Focus on your Foundation

    At the base of every house there is the literal foundation of the home. The (most likely poured) concrete below the floor that has been, is currently, and will continue to hold your house steady and safe. Without a good foundation the rest of the house doesn’t even matter; it would simply be a pile of construction…


    While you would think winter isn’t exactly the season to worry about your A/C working properly, it’s actually one of the better times to get it looked at. Good HVAC guys are in short supply so when the first heat waves of summer roll around, they get booked FAST. The best way to ensure you…

  • SPOOKY STORIES FROM A RESTLESS REALTOR Part 5a: Triumph over Temperature (Heating)

    It’s getting colder and colder as the winter creeps closer and closer.  The last thing you would want is for your heater to give. One of the most important developments of human history is the ability to keep warm over the winter. Taking dominion over Mother Nature, however, isn’t a cheap endeavor. Heating can and will run you…