Author: Ben

  • Cooler Weather Makes Real Estate A Hot Investment 1.0

    Cooler weather cools down real estate. Did you know that this is the best time to buy a house? Sellers are more motivated to sell because their property is likely the home that for whatever reason didn’t sell during the peak season.  To heat or winterize a home are unfavorable expenses for a seller. Also, the seller is…

  • Buying vs. Renting October 2015

    Buying a home is still better than renting. Start building your equity today! Once upon a time renting made a lot of sense.  Times have changed.  Drastic rent increases should make tenants rethink buying. There are hurdles and solutions. Remember, investing in yourself with housing can only be done one way.  Buy  a home! Hurdle…

  • “Savings” plan: Cash value life insurance vs home ownership

    “Savings” plan: Cash value life insurance vs home ownership

    Incentives to save and have a nest egg at the end of 20 years can take many forms. Cash value life insurance, touted as an insurance/savings plan is more often sold than other forms of life insurance. It can be borrowed against but the net returns are not as substantial as if term insurance were bought…

  • Own To Build Wealth (Over Time)

    Home ownership can build wealth over time….if you buy a home that you can actually afford.   You build wealth(equity) every month you own your home.  Your equity in your home is the amount of money you can sell it for minus what you still owe on it(mortgage).  The mortgage comes with tax benefits: The…

  • Friday 13 Superstition or superinsulation, You Choose.

      Insulation as mold preventative?   Black mold, the scariest deterrent to home value can be prevented.  Mold needs three factors to get a grip on your living environment: 50% + humidity, 40°+ F  temperature and biodegradable material. Cellulose is great stuff if you can swear it’s going to stay dry. Unbacked fibreglass also great.…

  • New Year, New Energy Resolutions Part 1

    First decide the energy bill is something that should be addressed. Working up a plan from the most cost-efficient to more involved “bragging rights” solutions first start with a $75 Home Energy Solutions audit:     Then consider an alternative that’s not quite yet on the market: sheetrock that radiates stored energy!

  • Cabin Fever Relief Part 3: Get off the Fence

    Robert Frost famously mused in verse about why his New Hampshire neighbor was so determined to fence his property off when natural forces and common sense conspired against the idea. His neighbor simply states, “good fences make good neighbors.” That’s not entirely true though is it? It’d be more accurate to say that good fences…

  • Cabin Fever Relief Part 2: Add Colorful Accents To Your Curb Appeal

    Remember we’re planning ahead for spring. Let’s try to stay excited through the winter months ahead. Lawns can be expansive and impressive, but boring by themselves. To add interest and the curb appeal that always is demanded by a buyer color is important. The simplest addition is to add strategic accents with cottage gardens. Be…

  • SALT Talks, Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Snow (Part 3)

    Salt kills plants. This has been known for as long as man has hated fellow man. The act of “salting the Earth” to prevent the growth of crops has been around since the dawn of war. However enemy warlords aren’t the only people who are killing your expensive landscaping. The de-icing salt that is scattered…