Things To Do
Hurrican season is peak time for power outages. Spend your time unplugged in creative, constructive and fun ways.
The power can go out for any number of reasons, but the strong winds and downed trees associated with hurrican season are major culprits this time of year.
The Atlantic hurrican season lasts from June through November in the Northeast, and the 2021 season is turning out to be quite active, as predicted.
If you find yourself without electricity, try to stay calm and take a few precautionary steps before figuring out what to do next.
You can conbat annoyance, boredom and other inconveniences brought on by power outages by focusing your attention on tasks ranging from creative to constructive.
What to do right away
When the power goes out, the first thing you should do is check your breaker box. This way you will know if there is a problem with your breaker or if an outage has occurred. If a breaker was tripped, one or more switches may be turned off. Simply turn them back on and see if the power returns.
If you and your neighbors are without power, notify your power company. The power company will likely contact you with updates on power restoration.
Other precautionary steps
Change into seasonal clothes.
If you lose power during the day, gather supplies like flashlights, batteries and candles which you may need later.
Collect water in bottles, sink and bathtub for washing hands, flushing toilets.
Unplug appliances and devices – except the refrigerator – in case of a power surge.
If the power is expected to be an extended period of time, eat perishables.
Things to do without internet to pass the time
Constructive Activities
Do some light exercise or stretching
Do some meditation
Clean the windows, mirrors and other surfaces around your home
Organize old paperwork or a junk drawer
Work on your budget or start a meal plan or shopping list for the next week
Fun, Creative Activities
Try writing a short story or journal
Do puzzles or play games
Nighttime Activities
Play games with flashlights like hide and seek or make shadow puppets
Go to bed early to catch up on sleep
Power outage checklist
Prepare for your next power outage ahead of time by making an emergency kit
- Unscented candles
- Flashlights
- Battery tester
- Glow sticks
- Crank or solar powered lantern
- Radio
- Portable charger
Safey concerns
Install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors with battery backup on all levels of your home.
If you use a generator when the power goes out, keep it outside and away from windows.
Look into your homeowners insurance to evaluate your storm coverage
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