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Use Your Local Extension Office

Everything You Should Be Using Your Local Extension Office for (but Aren’t)

Get expert information on gardening, food, conservation, urban agricullture, rabbit-raising, and more.

If you grew up on a farm, participated in 40H,, or wenet to a land-grant university, you are probably already aware of what a rich resource your county extension office is for pro tips and life skills.

Cooperative Extension

The cooperative extension system was formally started in 1914. It was a way for researches to help local farmers improve practices. While they are still an important resource for farming communities, every county in the country has an extension office. The offices are tailored to your local community.

Through your extension office you have free access to information on gardening, food, natural resources, conservation, and leadership in the form of reference publications, access to experts, and community events..

How to use your local extension office

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