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Moving in…

More suggestions for projects to do before you move into your new home.

Refinish Wood Floors…..Redoing floors can be a major expense if you have a contractor do the work; however, professional floor refinishing can have an incredible effect on your home’s appearance. Of course, you can do yourself but if there’s a lot of floor to cover, this can become an enormous job.

Clean or Replace Carpets…..Get to this while your house is empty. Clean what’s worth saving, and replace what isn’t.

Upgrade Attic Insulation…..Your prepurchase house inspection should include the attic insulation. If it’s damp, compacted or foul smelling, have an insulation contractor remove it and install new material.

Clean Fireplaces and Flues….Best to have a professional chimney sweep with the right equipment to do this job.

Replace and Upgrade Exterior Door Locks.….Your security is the main reason to change locks. Also, choosing new hardware gives you an opportunity to improve the look of any door.

Install Smoke Detectors….Your house should have smoke detectors on every floor. Be sure they are working properly before you move in.

Reorganize the Closets…..There are a lot of closet accessories available. Some of them could improve your storage situation. Do before you move into your new home.

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