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How to Care for Your Septic System

Septic system maintenance is not complicated, and it does not need to be expensive. Upkeep comes down to four key elements:

Inspect and Pump Frequently

The average household septic system should be inspected at least every three years by a septic service professional. Household septic tanks are typically pumped every three to five years. Alternative systems with electrical float switches, pumps, or mechanical components should be inspected more often.

Here is what you need to know for a service provider

When you call a septic service provider, he or she will inspect for leaks and examine the scum and sludge layers in your septic tank. Your septic tank includes a T-shaped outlet which prevents sludge and scum from leaving the tank and traveling into the drainfield area. Your tank should be pumped if the bottom of the scum layer is within six inches of the bottom of the outlet, if the top of the sludge layer is within 12 inches of the outlet, or if more than 25% of the liquid depth is sludge and scum.

Use water efficiently

The average indoor water use in a typical single-family home can be as much as 70 gallons per individual, per day. Just a single leaky or running toilet can add as much as 200 gallons of water per day.

All the water a household sends down its pipes ends up in its septic system. The more water a household conserves, the less water enters the septic system. Efficient water use improves the operation of a septic system and reduces the risk of malfunctions.

Properly dispose of waste

Whether you flush it down the toilet, grind it in the garbage disposal, or pour it down the sink, shower, or bath, everything that goes down your drain ends up in your septic system. Your septic system is not a trash can. An easy rule of thumb is not to flush anything besides human waste and toilet paper.

Maintain your drainfield

Your drainfield is an important part of your septic system.

Here are a few thinks you should do to maintain it:

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