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Connecticut Chocolate Trail

Connecticut’s Sweet Spots: CT Chocolate Trail

They say there is nothing better than a good friend, except, perhaps a good friend with chocolate. So, grab a partner, and treat the chocolate lover in your life (or yourself) to an unforgettable tasting trip throughout the state. This Connecticut Chocolate Trail will indulge all of your senses.

Some history on chocolate

The history of chocolate can be traced back more than 3,000 years to the Maya, Tec Tec and Aztec people. These people prepared a beverage from the fruit of the cocoa bean. The Maya considered chocolate to be the food of the gods, held the cacao tree sacred, and buried dignitaries with bowls of chocolate. There are stories about the history in addition to this one.

List of chocolatiers in CT

Visit one of these establishments to satisfy your sweet tooth!

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